Brodoto, a social impact agency from Zagreb, started a contest project in Croatia called Najdobre kampanje 2016 (The Best Campaigns 2016).

The project aims to acknowledge organizations and initiatives who distinguished themselves in the past year.

With 15 finalists chosen thanks to the help of the jury, everyone gets the opportunity to vote until February 1st! Follow the link - and vote for the 15 finalists #najdobre2016:

Are You Syrious? 
Sindikat biciklista 
Bubamara Vinkovci 
Činčile su zakon 
Drugotna na sav glas 
Hrvatska može bolje 
Naš Hajduk 
Građanski odgoj i obrazovanje 
WWF Adria 
Savica ZA Park 
Prijatelji životinja 
Hrvatska vatrogasna zajednica 
Zagreb: europska prijestolnica smeća 
Zaklada Ana Rukavina