Sales exhibition of paintings of Slikari srcem za djecu oboljelu od raka (Painters with Heart for Children with Cancer) was organized on March 31th and raised 3,200 BAM (approx. 1,636 EUR). Majority of exhibits were sold before exhibition even started and the total income is 7,000 BAM (approx. 3,579 EUR).
The event was an initiative of the Majevica Art Colony and painters from Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Austria donated their paintings. Aim of this exhibition was to help the Parental House in Sarajevo, which was opened in 2016 and has been a home for 60 families who had children at medical treatments at the Pediatric Hematooncology Department within the Sarajevo University Clinical Center.
Several paintings are still available and can be purchased at the Parental House.