The state of philanthropy | Giving Balkans


Examination of Legal Framework and Opportunities for Improving the Enabling Environment

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More people donated money to charity and helped a stranger last year than in any year of the previous decade, according to the Charities Aid Foundation’s World Giving Index 2022. Around the world, 3 billion people helped someone they didn’t know last year, increasing by approximately half a billion compared to prior to the pandemic.  Around 200 million more people also donated money to charity worldwide, with donations rising by 10% in high-income economies.

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Forum for Civic Initiatives (FIQ) has granted this year’s awards for the philanthropic contributions of individuals, organizations and companies in Kosovo. The awards are granted to those who systematically contribute to preserving the environment, culture, and traditional values with sensitivity through projects serving the common good.

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As part of The state and future of philanthropy business meeting conducted by the Mozaik Foundation with partner organizations and with the support of USAID, on November 3 at the Hills Hotel in Sarajevo, at the event organized to improve the legal framework for philanthropy, we presented the results of our annual research on the state of philanthropy by providing key insight of the "Giving Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020" report.

According to our estimates, philanthropic donations in Bosnia and Herzegovina increased significantly in 2020 regarding donated amounts. The estimated value of donations is € 38.5 million, almost three times more than the previous year. Even when all donations aimed at the pandemic are excluded, the amount donated exceeds the amount of all donations from 2019. This increased average per capita donations from € 3.7 in 2019 to € 11.7 in 2020.

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