Close to EUR 5,000 (MKD 300,000) was raised at an auction of chocolate, and the money will be used to help open a special regional Center for autism.

The 4th event of this kind was organized by the Citizen’s Association Positive (Здружението на граѓани Позитиво) in cooperation with STEM Academy.

The event was previously held in  2009, 2010 and 2012, and supported  the Institute for Lung Diseases Kozle (Институтот за белодробни заболувања Козле), the Institute for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Заводот за физикална медицина и рехабилитација), the State School for Rehabilitation of Children and Youth with Visual Impairments Dimitar Vlahov (Државното училиште за рехабилитација на деца и младинци со оштетен вид  “Димитар Влахов).

Of course, when the items on auction are both beautiful and delicious, there’s no doubt the auction will be a success. This year’s event hosted over 300 visitors who made their bids for the beautiful exhibits made entirely out of chocolate. With the support of companies such as Alkaloid, Avicenna,, Macedonia Insurance,  Chocolart, Handball club Vardar, Pastel, a total of EUR 4,850 (MKD 300,000) was raised, with the opening of the center scheduled for the beginning of 2019.

This center will be unique in Macedonia, as well as the wider region, as it will offer the special standardized and certified program for children with autism, the so-called Lego based therapy. This model supports the development of learning and communication abilities through the building of Lego models, and a specialist from London will help train local staff in the center.

Apart from this unique program, the center will also offer full psychological support for children and adults with autism.