If you happen to be in Prizren and want to grab a cup of coffee, you might want to check this new place called Bistro Garden X 21. Besides a cup of a great coffee, you’ll get something extra - an opportunity to contribute to a business working to support people with Down Syndrome.
The coffee shop is founded by Down Syndrome Kosova association and it trains and employs people with disabilities, creating an inclusive environment.
- Most of the young people with Down Syndrome who finish high school stay at home afterward due to the lack of opportunities for this category. This program will get them ready and help them to lead a more independent life, said the Down Syndrome Kosova Director Sebahate Beqiri.
Arban Abrashi, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, has thanked all the donors and encouraged everyone else to support this and other similar projects so they would become sustainable.
Source: http://prizrenpress.com/