Within the joint project of the Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia and the company Makprogres DOO from Vinica for the children with disabilities, an educational workshop was held in the premises of the Red Cross Vinica. The attendees were Red Cross volunteers from the municipalities of Vinica, Kumanovo, Shtip and Strumica who are involved in the project, as well as employees from the day centers from the municipalities, and volunteers from the company Makprogres.

The purpose of the workshop was to prepare local action plans, as well as planning activities that will be followed further and will refer to the implementation of joint initiatives, such as creative workshops, summer vacations for children with disabilities, and most importantly, education of parents of children with disabilities.

For all these workshops and activities, the company Makprogres has donated 372,200 MKD (approx. 6,052 EUR) for the needs of this project, so the activities could be realized by the Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as the municipal organizations in Vinica, Shtip, Kumanovo and Strumica in the following seven months.