In the sea of philanthropic actions and giving for the common good, this time, our attention was drawn to those for the welfare of animals.
Edhe pse aksionet e tilla duken të shpeshta, të dhënat tona tregojnë se donacionet për mirëqenien e kafshëve nuk përbëjnë një pjesë të madhe të kontributeve totale në Ballkanin Perëndimor.
Kështu, të dhënat tona të mbledhura deri më tani tregojnë se për mirëqenien e kafshëve në vitin 2021, vetëm 0.6% e shumës totale të dhuruar është dhuruar në Serbi, Maqedoninë e Veriut dhe Bosnjë e Hercegovinë. Situata është disi më e mirë në Kroaci, kështu që 2.3% e të gjitha donacioneve janë ndarë për këtë temë. Në krahasim me këtë, kjo shifër është 0.1% në Mal të Zi, ndërsa për Kosovën dhe Shqipërinë ende nuk ka të dhëna.
Although such actions seem frequent, our data show that animal welfare donations do not account for a large share of total contributions in the Western Balkans.
Thus, our data collected so far shows that for animal welfare in 2021, only 0.6% of the total donated amount was donated in Serbia, Northern Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The situation is somewhat better in Croatia, so 2.3% of all donations have been set aside for this topic. In comparison, the figure is 0.1% in Montenegro, and for Kosovo and Albania, there are still no data.
You will find out what the support for animals in previous years looked like, who donated, how much, and to whom if you register on our Giving Balkans app. To motivate you to get involved in the fight for animal welfare, we have singled out stories about several interesting actions that have been organized throughout the region in the previous period.
World Wild Fund Adria campaign to help Mother Nature
In anticipation of Mother's Day, which was celebrated worldwide on May 8, WWF Adria organized a campaign This one Mother's Day, help Mother Nature.
The organization has been publishing interesting posts about mothers and cubs from different animal species on its social networks for a few days. They were also calling for the adoption of animals, such as elephants, pandas, tigers, dolphins, terns, and many other species.
This action is still ongoing, and you can support it right away by going to the WWF Adria website. Choose a favorite animal, donate a symbolic amount, and receive a certificate of adoption, which can be in the name of the donor or in the name of the person to whom you want to give an original gift.
In this way, you are helping WWF Adria's daily struggle to preserve nature and animal species, so take advantage of this interesting possibility on the first occasion.
WagWagSOS application
WagWagSOS is the first part of WagWag applications designed to improve the lives of abandoned animals and pets, first in Bosnia and Herzegovina and later in the region and the world.
The application was launched by Andjela Španović from Banja Luka with friends. It is possible to provide various types of help for animals, such as fostering, rescuing lost or injured animals, or providing advice for helping animals.
She stressed that the plan for WagWag is to complete the application by the end of this year, with new options for registering animal profiles. In this way, all pet owners would get a place where they can connect, communicate, get recommendations and share fun content.
On the link, you can learn how the app works. You can download it for Android here and the iPhone here.
Bird and squirrel houses and feeders
Vukovar Women's Association, in cooperation with Kindergartens Vukovar I and II, Siniša Glavašević Elementary School, Komunalac Company, and Vukovar Public Fire Station, organized the action Construction and installation of wooden houses and feeders for birds and squirrels in Adica, to protect and preserve flora and fauna.
With the kindergartens, we made bird feeders and squirrels from tetra packs. With the students of the Siniša Glavašević Elementary School, we made birdhouses- explained the president of the Vukovar Women's Association Mirjana Mizdrak Mišanović, thanked everyone who recognized the importance of this action and got involved in it.
Mirjana Mišanović also said that this is not a one-time action because their goal is to develop awareness in parents and children to continue coming to Adica, filling feeders, and maintaining them.
Humanitarian auction for brave cats in Zagreb
An auction was recently organized in Croatia to help the Association Brave cats of Zagreb, which was supported by Croatian creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs who offered their products and services. More than 500 items were sold at auction.
The auction raised more than HRK 47,620, which will be used to settle veterinary bills resulting from the rescue and treatment of cats in the city of Zagreb.
Abandoned dog walk and food donation for the S-PAS association
The FeelGood Sports Recreation Association teamed up with the nonprofit association S-PAS and organized a charity event. Recently, they took a walk to all the abandoned dogs that this Association takes care of, and thanks to the citizens and supporters, they also collected food donations for them.
We combine our desire to raise awareness of the importance of sports recreation and outdoor activities with a humanitarian goal, said Dora Pančić from FeelGood Association.
Humanitarian bazaar in Varaždin
If you are in Varaždin this Saturday, you can join the support the activities organized by the Association "Shelter of Goodness," from 3 pm to 7 pm, at the address Trakošćanska 24, Varaždin.
It is a humanitarian flea market where you will be able to get new and used pieces of clothing, bookmarks, and cups in exchange for a symbolic donation.
The donations collected will be used to pay for veterinary expenses for the treatment and food for cats cared for by the Association.
Kitten season is officially open, and at the very beginning, we received four moms with kittens and two litter boxes. And that's why - each of your lindens is extremely important to us, and we hope that you will come in large numbers and find yourself a piece of cloth, a good read or a movie, and at the same time help the kittens, message from the Association.
We hope that today's stories have inspired you to get involved in animal support actions. We remind you that we have written about some great nonprofits that take care of animals in different ways every day, such as Asylum for Horses Old Hill, Asylum Riska, ZOO Planet, Paw 011, Animal Rescue Serbia, and ORCA. Please take the opportunity to recall their stories, get acquainted with the activities, and support them in achieving the noble goals they stand for. Also, if you know of an organization or action that you think we should present, write us, and we will gladly do so.