On Febuary 1st, Brodoto, the social impact agency from Zagreb that conducted the contest, announced the winners of the Best Campaigns 2016 competition.

Out of a total of 70 campaigns that were nominated for the contest, the jury and the citizens decided that Associations Naš Hajduk, Bubamara, Sindikat biciklista and the Hrvatska može bolje Initiative led the best campaigns in 2016.

The best fundraising campaign in 2016 is Buba bar conducted by the Bubamara Association with aim to provide employment for people with Down syndrome.

Biciklom na posao campaign (Bike to Work) led by the Sindikat biciklista Association (The Union of Cyclists) was awarded as the best promotion due to very efficient use of social networks. The campaign is part of an international project with aim to encourage and to facilitate the use of bicycles as means of transportation.

Hrvatska može bolje Initiative managed to mobilize an incredible number of people and was awarded for the best advocacy campaign, striving for better education.

The best campaign voted by the citizens is Ili jesmo, ili nismo by the Naš Hajduk Association.

Congratulations to everyone and we hope that Brodoto will continue the tradition of The Best Campaigns in Croatia!