Highlights | Page 7 | Giving Balkans


December is the month of celebration and giving, the time when people donate the most, a fact backed up by data from our research on philanthropy. 

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Across the region, most charitable donations are directed at the mitigation of the negative effects of COVID-19.

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Companies across the region continue to provide support for their communities through donations, volunteering, and socially responsible initiatives.

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In the previous months, most donations in the region were directed at providing support to communities in the fight against the negative effects of COVID-19. The same trend continued last week.

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Across the region, companies and organizations continue to support their communities to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19.

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Last week, companies, organizations, and individuals organized many events aimed at helping the youngest members of the community.

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Call for nomination for the FIDES awards in Kosovo

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Forum for Civic Initiatives (FCI)/Forumi për Iniciativa Qytetare (FIQ) announces call for participation in the FIDES Philanthropy Award in Kosovo.

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SouthEast European Indigenous Grantmakers Network (SIGN), celebrated its 10th anniversary by organizing the SIGNs of CHANGE, a one-day event in the Philanthropy House in Brussels.

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Partners Albania announces the Philanthropy Awards 2019 competition. Deadline for submitting nominations is September 30, 2019.

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