Highlights | Page 5 | Giving Balkans


COVID-19 is still one of the themes for donations to social good. However, recently, there has been a growing need to tackle the effects of the crisis.

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We are still following the COVID-19 situation in the region. What we have noticed is that significant focus is placed on the effects of the disease, where psychological help is vital.

The following stories discuss this particular kind of help, which...

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Throughout this past year, we have shown what the power of solidarity and unity means.

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COVID-19 is still one of the predominant causes in terms of donations for social good.

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The support for the struggle against COVID-19 remains the dominant subject when it comes to philanthropy and donations.  

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Another week filled with philanthropic action and good deeds is behind us. Once more, the majority of acts of giving have been done in support of the fight against the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Monday was this year's International Women's Day. The position of women in society in Serbia and the region hasn't changed or improved compared to previous years.

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During the last year, the fight against COVID-19 has been the most prominent topic when it comes to philanthropy and donations.

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Acts of good in the fight against COVID-19 continue, and companies, organizations and citizens throughout the region keep supporting healthcare workers and patients in various ways.

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